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Irish Setter 101
The Irish Setter
The Irish Setter
Equipment Used
Getting Started with Clipper Work
Video-Clipper work (4:50)
Diagram-the neck
Summary-Starting with Clipper Work.
Summary-Clipping the Ear.
Summary-Clipping the Head.
Prepping the feet with clippers.
The Jacket
Video-Pulling the Jacket. (2:34)
The Look we are Aiming For.
Using the Pumice Stone or Stripping Stone.
Finishing the Topcoat.
The Front End
Video-Trimming the Front. (5:22)
Side of the Neck.
Raking the Side of the Neck.
The Shoulder.
Trimming the top of the Front Leg.
The Elbow in Relation to the Chest.
Diagram-barber technique.
Summary-Barber Technique.
Blending the Shoulder.
Top of the Elbow.
The Head
The Look we are Aiming For.
Video-The Irish Setter Head. (3:18)
Starting the Head Trim.
Following and Blending the Clipper Work.
The Top of the Head and Skullcap.
Diagram-the back of the head/occiput
The Rear End and Tail.
Video-Rear End and Tail (2:44)
Using the Stone.
Under the Tail.
Diagram-under the tail
Sides of the Back Legs.
Defining the Tail Set.
Diagram-defining the tail set
The Tail.
The Feet and Finishing Touches
Video-The Feet and Finishing Touches. (9:07)
Starting the Feet.
Diagram-defining the foot.
Finishing the Feet.
How to Define the Underline Properly.
Starting the Underline.
The Hock and Rear Angulation.
Diagram-underline and pastern.
Diagram-the hock.
The Tuck up.
The E-Book
How to Define the Underline Properly.
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