Groomers Guide to Winning Trims

All of our competition and salon trims in one spot.

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The competition, salon and pet trims presented in a way that you can duplicate them with efficiency and confidence. Step by step video. Supporting diagrams and photos. Each course comes complete with an ebook and the bundle includes VIP access.

The German Trim, The Historically Correct Continental, the Retriever/Lamb/Kennel Trim and The Sporting/Short Modern Trim are included as of March 15.

The Scandinavian Tutorial will follow next.

To be included in the bundle soon is the Modern Trim, The Second Puppy Trim, The T Trim and the full Scandinavian Trim. Poodle Prep is also included.

Your Instructor

Julie Wilkins Pantages
Julie Wilkins Pantages

Julie Wilkins Pantages has been in the grooming industry since 1994. She was a top 10 member of Groom Team USA for many years from 2003 on, qualifying to a compete in the World Grooming Competition in Milan Italy 2007. She has had many Best in Show, Best All Around Groomer and Best Scissored Dog Awards over the years and has earned Best in Show titles with Poodles in 3 different trims, The Continental, The Modern, and The German. Julie has a passion for The breed and loves creating her artwork with them.

Courses Included with Purchase

Poodle Prep
30 step-by-step videos and pdf's on preparing your poodle for the show ring.
Allison Alexander
The Scandinavian/Second Puppy Trim
A Tutorial
Allison Alexander
Poodle Shaving Basics
How to clip your Poodle short during COVID and beyond with minimal equipment.
Allison Alexander
The Historical Correct Continental Trim (HCC)
Step by step videos and guides to execute the HCC with confidence and flair!
Julie Wilkins Pantages
The German Trim for conformation and competition
A step by guide to executing the German trim with consistency and flair.
Julie Wilkins Pantages
The Modern Trim
Enroll now
Julie Wilkins Pantages
The Retriever Trim
Everything you need to know to execute this everyday trim in the salon or at home.
Julie Wilkins Pantages
The Sporting Trim
Everything you need to know to execute this trim with confidence and flair.
Julie Wilkins Pantages

Original Price: $587

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