Sheltie 101
A step by step guide to grooming your sheltie for the home and the show ring.
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Shetland Sheepdogs come in many different shapes and sizes and a multitude of colours and different markings. As well, some Sheltie exhibitors like to show their dogs coifed to the utmost with hairspray and chalk while others prefer the more natural look. To teach every method and trim that could possibly benefit each Sheltie that enters the ring would be impossible - not to mention the amount of video and demonstration dogs needed would make the task impossible as well!
With that in mind, please know that this is a beginner Sheltie grooming course. We are giving you the basic methods so that you have a starting point. It is our wish you take these methods as well as your interpretation of the Sheltie standard and how your dog fits in to the standard and perfect your grooming accordingly.
Your Instructor
I showed my first dog in Junior Handling when I was 7 years old, I went 5th out of 5 in a junior handling class, I cried, but despite that humble beginning I was instantly hooked!
Believing that you should always do what you love, I became a professional handler in 1987 and I have been presenting Canada's (and the world’s) top dogs ever since. With more than 550 All-Breed Best in Shows, I am proud to have been highly awarded at such prestigious shows as Crufts, the World Dog Show, Westminster Kennel Club and the AKC Invitational. As well I have had Top Dog All breeds in Canada 3 separate times, all three dogs are still record holder’s in their own right.
In addition to my wins as an all-breed handler, I have spent more than 30 years perfecting the art of presenting one of the dog world's most difficult breeds to master: The Poodle. Today, I am internationally recognized as one of the world's most talented and experienced Poodle handlers. I have presented seminars on grooming Poodles all over this planet. . I am also the Creative Educational Advisor and Specialist for Chris Christensen Systems.
I have proven that hard work, dedication and passion can take you absolutely everywhere in this wonderful sport, which is why I am committed to supporting, promoting and giving back to the dog community. Currently, I am President of the Canadian Professional Dog Handlers Association, Vice-President of the Canadian Kennel Club Foundation, I have been CKC Junior Handling representative for both Nova Scotia and South Western Ontario. I am a regular contributor to dog magazines in several countries. I have mentored several of the Top Professional Handlers in the USA and Canada as well as coached 3 Juniors to win the Canadian National one of whom went on to win Crufts World Junior Handling Competition.
In 2017, I launched Leading Edge Dog Show Academy, the world's first on-line dog show training school. My mission is to help mentor a new generation of dog show enthusiasts through innovative video-based grooming and handling lessons. LEDSA has won the award for Best On-line Education each year since it’s inception. I look forward to working with enthusiastic students as they perfect their skills on the way to the winner's circle.
Sit back, as I bring a lifetime of grooming and handling lessons to video, here at Leadingedge Dog Show Academy.